Balkaun Úniku

What is Balkaun Úniku

Balkaun Úniku is an innovation in providing information and public services to citizens and the private sector. It is a new service model that offers personalized attention in a single physical space at a local level.

By promoting an innovative culture in the provision of services by the Public Administration, Balkaun Úniku aims to reduce bureaucracy and corruption, simplify procedures, accelerate and modernize the provision of public services.

In its digital version, Balkaun Úniku aims to be a reliable and secure source of access to information on procedures for accessing public services, constituting an important tool for active transparency.

Balkaun Úniku

Institutional Vision and Mission


To be a national reference in providing information and public services, promoting continuous improvement in the quality of care and the modernization of Public Administration.


Democratize access to information and public services among the population, through in-person and online service units, with a focus on transparency, efficiency and quality. Ensure the sustainability and capillarity of this new service model throughout the country, in order to expand the channels of communication between the Public Administration and the population

Balkaun Uniku


  1. Innovation

    Promote continuous innovation in the delivery of information and public services, valuing and recognizing creative ideas.

  2. Transparency

    Stimulate the visibility and publicity of administrative practices, in order to reduce the asymmetry of information and encourage social control.

  3. Acessibility

    Work with the aim of ensuring an inclusive service model accessible to all, regardless of their place of residence, social class and gender.

  4. Ethic

    Ensuring the moral values of good conduct by focusing on acting based on honesty and integrity.

  5. Cooperation

    Promote cooperation and integration between different government agencies, at local and national level, and their collaborators from the private sector and civil society.

  6. Eficiency

    Ensure optimization in the delivery of services, acting in a productive, economical and efficient manner.

Balkaun Úniku



A Certidão de Nascimento pode ser definida como o primeiro e mais importante documento do cidadão, pois representa sua existência oficial perante o Estado


O Bilhete de identidade é um documento que prova a nacionalidade timorense e a identidade civil de seu titular, perante quaisquer autoridades e entidades


O Registro Comercial destina-se a dar publicidade à situação jurídica dos empresários em nome individual, das sociedades comerciais, das sociedades civis sob forma comercial,


O Passaporte Eletrônico de Timor-Leste (PETL) é um documento de viagem individual, que permite aos seus titulares a entrada e saída do território timorense,


A identificação criminal tem por objeto a recolha e conservação ordenada dos sumários das decisões criminais proferidas por tribunais timorenses contra todos os indivíduos

Balkaun Úniku


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